Thisbook - a collection,whichoccupiesa central placetranslatingobscurework of the greatRabbeinuMoshe Chaim Luzzatto-"DerechTvuna" ("The Way ofUnderstanding").In this workthe author-knownkabbalist, the expertof the deepestsecrets of the TorahandMussarteacher,offersthe readerin a new light.The factthat "DerechTvuna"is a bookabout learningcrap, more precisely,about the methodsof its study.We can say thatitRamchalcodifiedthe basic principles oflogic and rhetoric,providing them withconcrete examplesfrom the Talmud.The abundance ofthese examplesmakes the bookdifficultfor the unpreparedreader, buton the other hand,thoughtful workon itcan significantly helpto anyone whoseeksto touch thestudy ofthe Talmud, oralreadystudying it,andwould like to purchasemore systematicallyinthis difficult matter.We have tried toexplaineverythingthat needsdetailedinterpretation, being careful notto overload theoptionaltranslationof ideasfor understandingthe author'sinformation.As far as wehave succeeded inthis difficult matter,canbe solved only bya seriousreader, andin turn wewill be happyto receiveany comments andtips thatwill help usinour future work.
Asdiscussed in this bookare talking aboutan important topic inthe study ofthe Oral Torah-Talmud, which iswork that requiresa lot of effort, wefelt it necessaryto preface"DerechTvuna"translationsof excerpts fromother booksRamchal,explainingthe importance of studyingthe Torahin general andthe Oral Torahin particular.We hope that thiswill help the readerto find the strengthneeded fora serious study ofthe Talmud,the seminal bookof Jewish tradition.