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History of the State of Israel

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The first edition of A History of the State of Israel (2003) was very successful, and many readers and critics suggested me to write the second edition in significantly enlarged fashion. Indeed, the second edition of the book is almost two times larger than the first one. I added new material on Laws of the State of Israel, her relations with the USSR and the USA, described anti-semitism and the Holocaust in more details, and made numerous other additions.


A History of the State of Israel is the first book in Russian entirely dedicated to the general history of the State of Israel. The book gives precise description of the history and development of modern Israel in popular setting. This work is an attempt to trace the major outlines of the astonishing phenomenon of creation and survival of Israel. The story covers more than a hundred years (1880s—2000s) with a special emphasis on the years after the 1947. The subject is so vast that the author has been able to consider only a small part of it. But what has been presented in a book may reawaken a long overdue recollection of momentous happenings and provide some notion of the sufferings and achievements of the Israelis.


The book is very timely. While a million of Russian Jews have been settled in Israel and another million is still living in Russia and other former-USSR states, the interest to the modern Israeli history is very high. Since the Soviet Union broke up, we also face a growing interest to the history of Israel among all Russian-speaking population, which is now dispersed all over the world. Although this book is intended in large part for general Russian readers all over the world, I hope that Russian specialists in modern history may find useful certain treatments that relate to the Middle East as a whole.


The main intention of the book, however, is to help the Russian-speaking Jews in Israel and all over the world to bring up and cultivate the love to Eretz Israel in their hearts.


While several books on the general history of the Jews and the history of ancient Israel have been published in Russian, there is no one book, original or translated, dedicated specifically to the general history of the State of Israel. Therefore currently there is no competition for the presented History of the State of Israel.

 There are several long volumes on the subject, written in Hebrew, English and French, like, for example, A History of Israel of Howard Sachar. These comprehensive works, however, usually end with 1970s or 1980s and are not up-to-date. The only exception is the brilliant Israel: A History by Martin Gilbert, which traces the history of the state till 1997. The books published in 1998 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the State of Israel (of which one was published in Russian) are merely chronologies and do not present scholarly outlook to the general history of the state. That is why I felt a need to write a general history of the state.The book is designed for a general reader.
More Information
Weight 1.080000
Publisher Isradon
ISBN 5-94467-030-4
Author Shterenshis, Michael
Height (CM) 24.5
Length (CM) 18
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