Jews believe that the Hebrew letters - Aleph-Bet - over the rest of the universe, older than the sun, moon, stars, and planets. God created them before heaven and earth, before the animals and humans. After all, the Bible is written in Hebrew, and the Bible, as we know, contains a plan for the universe. God could not have started the Creation, without any plan! Scientists who do not share, usually this belief, however, also recognize the Aleph-Bet most ancient system of alphabetic writing the speech, which was invented by mankind three and a half thousand years ago. Many alphabets derived from Aleph-Bet. This is easily seen by comparing the letters. A corresponds to the Russian Aleph, B - beta. Letter tires - W and Tzadik - C moved into the Russian alphabet, in general almost did not change his view. For two thousand years of Jewish letters traveled together with the Jewish people in different countries. They have seen a lot in my time, and it is written by them. We do not undertake to count the number of stories, tales and legends was told they were to us. Here they are in front of you - 22 wonderful letters. Get to know them: they will open you to go into the most beautiful, the most fabulous palace - the palace of wisdom.