Road To Jewish Life

Road To Jewish Life

Jewish Literasy

Jewish Literasy

Guard Your Tongue

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A practical guide on how to avoid backbiting, drawn from the book "Chafetz Chaim" r.Israelya-Meir Kagan of Radunia (Hafetz Haim)


Famed Rabbi Yisrael Meir Hacohen, known worldwide as the "Chafetz Ha them" (so called his life's work, the subject of our book), was born on the 11th of Shevat of the year 5599 on the Jewish calendar (1839) in a small place in Eastern Europe. In his youth, he diligently studied the Torah and, thanks to a sharp, inquisitive mind, a remarkable talent and a sincere faith, acquired profound knowledge in all sections of the Torah. Rumors about the scholarship and piety of Rabbi Yisrael soon spread far and wide, despite the fact that he is in every way a party to any of honor and fame.

Books Chafetz Chaim to be found in any library on Judaism - he wrote a lot, and all of his works have survived. The masterpiece of the sage, his best and most important work, by all accounts, is the "Mishnah Berurah" - six-volume commentary on "Orach Chayim" (the first of four parts of the "Shulchan Aruch"). Beginner to learn Orach Chaim, you must first read and understand it, "the Mishnah Berurah." His second book, "Aavat Chesed" ("Love of kindness") is a condensed collection of Jewish laws of charity and how to lend, it is this work has led to the formation of hundreds of charitable organizations in a variety of communities, scattered across all countries. But Rabbi Yisrael Meir not only developed the theory of charity, he helped people whenever possible, and at any time. Extant evidence of the Chafetz Chaim's son, who wrote that one of the most striking paintings of his childhood - his father is secretly a synagogue food for the poor. And that was not the only episode so great sage did constantly.

Among other works, the Chafetz Chaim - explanation treatises related to the laws of the Jewish Temple, the management of the Compliance commandments Jews passing military service, a book about the ethical laws of doing business, transactions, etc. Topics sage works are varied, but among them there is one, which He devoted special attention - lashon-ara (backbiting).

Angry language - the source of many social ills and spiritual ailments, eroding the soul of man and society. A huge number of divorces occurs because of backbiting and gossip.

And, as a rule, the same attack, lashon-ara is the basis of hatred, jealousy and envy. Like a malignant virus, in the words of intemperance destroys human relationships, leading to strife and conflict. Many lose their income, employment, good friendship just because of the fact that gossiped about other people, or because of what others railed at their expense. It is no exaggeration to say that sometimes lashon-ara becomes the cause of early death. In short, everyone is well aware that lashon-ara - the evil that gossip and slander - sin. So it's about quality and speak all the languages ​​of the world: bad, ugly, indecent! However, a flexible human mind invents a lot of tricks to the sin ever make and justify.

"I was only joking," "my words did not hurt," "what I say truth," "know it all", "believe me, my words - not evil, I wish him nothing but good" - anyone can easily continue the endless series of excuses intended to whitewash the one who commits sin lashon-ara.

To clarify and somehow fix the situation, Rabbi Yisrael Meir was a practical work under the laws of lashon-ara, who called the "Chafetz Chaim".

With great enthusiasm greeted the Jewish world the first edition (1873), printed in the amount of four thousand copies. For the first time together had been collected and systematized all the laws of lashon-ara. "Chafetz Hai" started to learn individually and in yeshivas. The book became a desktop tool such scholars of the Torah as Rabbi Yisrael Salanter and head Gursky Hasidim.

In addition to his work Chafetz Chaim wrote several works devoted to the moral laws of speech: "Shmirat Alashon", "Ho-vat Ashmira", "Kevod Schamayim" etc. These books sage urges us to take good care of us each the spoken word to every intonation, and supports his statements with quotations from the Talmud and Midrash.

But let us return to the main work of Rabbi Yisrael Meir. Book owes its name to the poem, "Who is the man hungry for life (in Hebrew," thirsty life "- Hafetz Haim), who loves days to see good? Take care of your language from the bad, and his mouth against fraud" (Psalms 34:13-14 ).

While being amazingly humble man, Rabbi Yisrael Meir published his book anonymously. Readers, not knowing who the author of this work, it became known as the Chafetz Chaim. These two words are then turned into the author's name, surpassing his real name. Is not that we see the best recognition for the great compiler of the book? Name the Chafetz Chaim (Thirsty life) approached Rabbi Yisrael Meir could not be better. His son recalls that no one had ever heard of the sage unflattering remarks about anyone. If you take into account that Rabbi Yisrael Meir lived the life of the hermit is not and was not a silent person, as a frequent speaker at meetings and was actively involved in the community, you will agree that this characteristic means a lot.

After completing work on the "Chafetz Chaim," Rabbi Yisrael Meir appealed to the leading authority of the Torah, to get letters from them, favoring the publication of the book. With such a request, they came to Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Lifshitz, rabbi of the town Nowogrodek (Novardok), where there was a famous yeshiva. The manuscript has made a deep impression on the fact, however, before writing to express their approval and admiration, Rav decided to check whether the author cautious in his statements, as called for it to others. Then Rabbi Baruch Lifshitz asked one of his disciples to speak with Rabbi Isaiah-Rael. But how to talk? For six hours the student was trying to force the guest to say at least something unpleasant or judgmental about others, but not a word that even remotely resembles lashon-ara, Rabbi Yisrael did not say.


We bring to your attention the publication of "Take Care of Your Speech" is not a translation of the book "Chafetz Chaim." It's just adapted presentation of this classic work, which aims - to help someone who can not because of lack of knowledge of the language to read the work in the original, ie . facilitate such a person understanding the most important laws of Judaism. Our text directly incorporated the most important passages from the book of Rabbi Yisrael Meir. Compiled adaptation has reinforced its real-world examples of modern life that is brighter and easier to illustrate the practical application of the law, systematized the Chafetz Chaim. sequence in order to book, "Take care of my speech," coincides with the order of presentation in the original text of the great Jewish scholar (with the exception of the last chapter). Regarding paragraphs within chapters, their order is changed.

"Even if someone has learned the laws of lashon-ara in their entirety, it still will not be able to observe them as follows, unless these laws are constantly repeated." These are the words of the distinguished Rabbi Isser Zalman Mielec-ru, father in law of Rabbi Aharon Kotler, the head of the yeshiva "Etz Hayim." He expressed them in his foreword to the book "Dinim of Icarus," which summarized work "Chafetz Chaim" and was written by the famous Rabbi Shmuel Uminer. On the basis of these words, the author of this adaptation is hopeful that his modest work will occasionally re-read reader, because the only way to learn and take action vital provisions set out in it, and gleaned from the writings of our wise predecessors.


One day, a businessman from Warsaw Rabbi Yisrael Meir submitted a list of his books that he would like to have in order to purchase. Quickly reviewing the list, the sage said, "I see you've ordered all my books, except the" Chafetz Chaim "- a collection of the laws of lashon-ara. You are not interested in this important issue?" Kommersant said, "Actually, I was going to get and this book. But I'm afraid ... You see, I have the job that every day you have to meet many people. Different people say different things. I just have no way to say or do not listen to lashon-ara. " At this Chafetz Chaim said, "I am well aware of the problem and even discussed it with Rabbi Yisrael Salan-acter. He said to me, the man is worth just go and read your book on lashon-ara, even if, after reading it and closing, he just breathe ... "
More Information
Shelf Barrie
Weight 0.470000
Publisher Aish Ha Torah
ISBN 965-7016-45-2
Author Chafetz Chaim
Height (CM) 24
Length (CM) 16
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