Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Islam for Jews

Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Islam for Jews

Alla Nazimova

Alla Nazimova

Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Judaism for Muslims

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The book by a rabbi and professor Fayrstona "formally" addressed to the Muslim reader, but is of general interest a broad overview of the most important aspects of religion, history, culture and lifestyle of the Jews from the time of the patriarch Abraham to the present day. In today's shrinking world where the boundaries between friends, his own, and global disappear, there is a need for close attention and mutual desire to reduce the ignorance and suspicion.

By volume, "Introduction to Judaism for Muslims," wrote the American Reform Rabbi Reuven Fayrston (preface to the Russian edition of the historian and journalist M.Heyfetsa). The Russian translation of two volumes of the American edition, published in 2000 by the American Jewish Committee, carried publisher DAAT / Knowledge, Jerusalem - Moscow in 2008. Translation Editor Joseph Begun.
More Information
Weight 0.590000
Publisher DAAT
ISBN 978-5-87317-439-3
Author Firestone, Reuven
Height (CM) 24
Length (CM) 16
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