"Disputeof Confused" -not an ordinarybook.Itsanonymous authors- studentsand teachersof the Tel Avivschool, "Shevach-Mofet."Among them arerecentimmigrantsas a(mostlyfrom the formerSoviet Union)and the rootIsraelis.On the pagesof the bookeach of the "authors"speakson a widerange of issues concerningthe problemsthat arise, probably,in front of eachimmigrant.This is acultural differencebetweenDiaspora Jewsand the "Sabra" andthe related difficultiesof integrationinto Israeli society, the perceptionof the Holocaust, the understanding ofpatriotism andunderstanding of Christianity...The bookdoes not provideready answersto these questions, it is -"an invitationto reflection."
OGLAVLENIYe Semen Parizhskiy Preambula k «Disputu rasteryannykh» Daniel' Marom Filosofsko-pedagogicheskaya podderzhka «Vo sadu li...» Besedy o Katastrofe Polnyye chemodany fiziki i matematiki Stolknoveniye pedagogicheskikh idealov Kakova vasha pervaya assotsiatsiya so slovom «khristianstvo»? Oskolki yevreystva Semen Parizhskiy Yevreystvo kak dialektika mezhdu «tam» i «tut» Obraz podrostka glazami pedagogov i spetsialistov Chudo-ucheniki. Golosa vypusknikov (na vstreche 19.01.2005) Vstrecha repatriantov iz Rossii so starozhilami, vykhodtsami iz stran Vostoka Daniel'Marom Epilog Linor Goralik Poslesloviye Primechaniya
Table of Contents
Simon Paris The preamble to the "Dispute of the Perplexed " Daniel Marom Philosophical and pedagogical support "In the garden there ... " Conversations about the Holocaust Suitcases full of physics and mathematics Clash of pedagogical ideals What is your first association with the word "Christianity" ? shards of Jewry Simon Paris Jewishness as a dialectic between " there" and "here" The image of the teenager through the eyes of teachers and specialists Wonder students . voices of graduates ( at the meeting 19.01.2005 ) Meeting of immigrants from Russia with the old , originally from the East DanielMarom epilogue Lenore Goralik afterword Notes