Merchant and the Poor Man

Merchant and the Poor Man

Jewish Wisdom - To the Modern Reader. Book 2

Jewish Wisdom - To the Modern Reader. Book 2

Jewish Wisdom - To the Modern Reader

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In the modern world is intensifying interest in Jewish wisdom. Let us consider very briefly a few key aspects of Jewish history.

In the late 17th century the majority of the religious authorities decided to severely limit access of ordinary people to the mystical part of Torah - to Kabbalah.

In the mid-18th century in Eastern Europe, a Hasidism, who used the mystical aspects and, therefore, was confronted by a number of authorities.

In the first half of the 19th century (especially in Western Europe) began abrupt withdrawal of the majority of the Jewish people from the Jewish tradition. On the backdrop of intensified scientific and social changes in the world, many have come to see Judaism (along with other religions) as being obsolete.

The Holocaust brought another wave of confusion. Some Jews began to say that if Gd is, he should not allow such a tragedy.

In the late 20th century in the world, in-the-whole, there was a general trend of growing interest in spirituality. In this process, increased growth (and not only among the Jews) to the Jewish mystical teachings - to Kabbalah.

As a result of a combination of factors today in the minds of most Jews split.
People have come to believe that Kabbalah and Judaism are two different things, and the Kabbalah - it is very interesting, and Judaism - it is very boring.

You must restore a proper understanding of our wisdom. The Torah includes several levels. The most profound levels of the Torah - and there Kabbalah.

In this case, the Kabbalah refers to the inner world of man and helps provide access to powerful resources. Kabbalistic texts were often written with the help of sign language in need of explanation. With the right approach - the entire Torah, including the Kabbalah is not only interesting but also very important.

This is especially true in today's complex world, is faced with an economic crisis. More and more people are realizing that the crisis - this is the beginning of a new era in which people will pay more attention to the development of spiritual knowledge.

Realizing the importance of familiarizing the Jews to their heritage, in the fall 2006, the author began an interesting project. Weekly in a popular Russian-language newspaper "The Jewish World" published a short article, essay, illuminating various aspects of depth of Jewish wisdom. In this case, to use modern language, symbols, transcribed and are available to the inexperienced reader. The author, using his mathematical education material made systematic. And using psychological experience translating unfamiliar concepts into modern language of the inner world of man.

The book consists of two parts:

Part 1:
Jewish wisdom - the modern reader
(Article from the newspaper "The Jewish World")

Part 2:
"Deep Emotional Transformation" - a view of the Torah and Kabbalah.
(Written with the assistance of r.Efima Svirsky)

In the first part of the book features more than 100 articles R. Meir Bruk, published in the newspaper "The Jewish World" in 2006-2008.

In the second part of the book - deep description of Psycho-spiritual techniques GET-"Deep Emotional Transformation" from the viewpoint of the Torah and Kabbalah. Methods developed r.Efimom Svirsky, whose student is M.Bruk.

Rav Meir (Mark) Brooke

Born in Kiev in 1964 in a very creative family.

As a child with his parents went through a wellness culture systems, eastern philosophy and mysticism. Since 1979, the family came to "honor" the ranks of conscientious objectors.

In 1989 he graduated from the University of Kiev mehmat. Supervisor was Konstantin Vershinin, one of the most brilliant scientists, logicians, a close friend of Academician Glushkov. Then five years creating expert systems, including in the field of medicine. It taught the most intricate knowledge to express clear and comprehensive structural language.

Momentous was the first meeting with the Jewish religious world in the face of Efim Svirsky, who became the first teacher of the Torah. Yefim - the son of the famous writer, known lecturer and psychotherapist, author of "Out of the dialogue - the gulf", "Torah and Psychology", "Reincarnation". After ten years of combined study and work in Israel, the director of the Kiev branch of the Jewish educational organization "Aish HaTorah» (

In 2003-2004 he studied and taught at a yeshiva in Jerusalem "Shvut Ami" and Kollel "Ner LeElef."
In 2004 he was invited from Jerusalem to Brooklyn to lead community-based programs in the Jewish Center of Brighton Beach (JCBB), which conducts classes, workshops, publishes a newspaper columnist in the newspaper "The Jewish World" and a page on the Internet.

At the time of publication of the book lives with his wife and four children in Brooklyn and is working with Russian-speaking Jews in JCBB.

Unfortunately, very often the two parts of the Jewish world - secular and religious - perceive each other as inhabitants of different planets. The newspaper "The Jewish World", in which the articles are published - one of the bridges connecting the two "planet", which gives readers a secular qualitative knowledge about Judaism.


Preface 8
Time and attention - the two main resource person 10
The Rabbi and the community - past and present 18
Medicine - to the big city 21
Information management 24
The Way of the Jewish hero 27

Joy - the best criterion, or "from snikli - to have penetrated" 30
How to open channels of the soul? 33
Three levels of understanding of the Torah 36
The role of women in the modern world 39

Jewish Holidays
Path to Sabat for beginners 42
Shabbat - for family 45
The two halves of 48 calendar
Pesach - or princess behind the Dragon 51
Holiday - for whom? 54
The energy of the holiday 57
Jewish mob rule 60
63 back in touch
Four top 66
The sins - the goat, the joy of life - a person 69
Jew at the crossroads, or Yom Kipurnye suffering 72
How to control your desires? 75
Time to rejoice 78
The deeper aspects of joy 81
Joy - between awe and love 84
Peculiarities of National Hunting for the truth 87
Simchat Torah: the joy and the wisdom of 90
Hanukkah - the key to adult humans and 93 people
What's wrong with the Greek culture? 96
Hanukkah - the darkness in bright light 99
Greek intellectual challenge 102
Chanukah light on the eight forms galuta 105
Tu Bishvat - again a new year 108
Holiday work 111
Disclosure of hiding - the scroll of Esther 114
Power Pause 117

Light to the nations 120
A look over the horizon, or give me a fulcrum 123
Faces of Slavery 126
Jewish Mysticism: Pros and Cons 129
Implementation in the life of the three Sefirot 132
Kabbalah and Psychology. Assertiveness and empathy - Netzach and hod - Moses and Aaron 135
Suffering and development 138
Youth Rights and 141 people
Growing children 144
All the words are clear, and what I mean - no! 147
Move toward the target 150
Jewish astrology 153
The study of the Talmud and modern education 156
School of Leadership 159
Conflicts in the desert 162
"Let my people go," half-mid-sentence 165
How to wake up 168
Home Torah - statement of the problem 171

Milestones 174
Crashed or was he born? 177
Who is behind the "Iron Curtain"? 180
Clues to the fate of 183
"To cut or grind" 186
Avraham Avinu, Martin Buber and the Angels 189
Commandment simulator, a secret bar mitzvah, or as we find ourselves in captivity 192
Weddings and after 195
The finish line - the point of transformation 198
What reveals the clothes? 201
A complete picture 204
Jewish prayer: the work of the consciousness of 207
How to communicate with God? 210
It is hard to be Gd 213
Divide and Unite, or your entry 216
The evolution of consciousness on the background of the involution of the body 219
The dynamics within the human stories of the Torah 222
How to open channels of the soul? 225
My Sweet and Tender Beast 228
Stages of the inner workings of 231

What is the soul? 234
Ways of the Lord - Kiruv and anti-pop or paradoxes of the modern world 237
Two approaches to the understanding of Jewish wisdom 240
Resurrection or revival? 243
Model reconstruction of the destroyed Temple 246
The difference between the Jewish and non-Jewish religions 249
Where is Gd? There, where he was admitted. 252
The secret of freedom 255
The symbolism of the tissues of the temple 258
The Jewish head - or «let my people know» 261
Multifaceted cells 264
Keys to the Temple 267
Amalek and Esau - internal opponents 270
Turn off the second microphone! 273
Between God and Pharaoh, 276
Read as a call 279
Sefirot, character traits and characters of the Torah 282

Author's comments on the Torah 285
Stories of the Torah and Psychology 288
Three angels and two stories - a guide to the selection of 291
Three in two, or what happened to Angel? 294
The flow and structure 297
Speckled Hen, Garden of Eden, and the tables of the Land of Israel 300
Torah - a textbook on Jewish Conflict 303
Creativity and discipline - two extremes and the Jewish golden mean 306
Moshiach in the modern sense 309
Jewish Meditation 316
Wall 319
New World and the Crisis 322

Part 2: Methods - GET
The deep emotional transformation,
View of Torah and Kabbalah 325

1. Entry
2. Statement of the problem.
3. Session Description
4. Methods GET and Jewish holidays
5. A source in the Torah: "Circumcision of the heart" - work with emotions.
6. Kabbalistic illustration "Circumcision of the heart" - the removal of the emotional barriers between Yesod and Malchut.
7. A source in the Torah, the process of transformation - of Jacob wrestling with the angel of Esau.
TRANSIENT after a session of the GET
8. Transients - at what rate changes occur in man after a session of the GET
9. A source in the Torah: transient - Jacob limping after a meeting with the angel of Esav
10. A source in the Torah: transient - the healing time of Abraham after the Brit-sweet and angels coming to him.
11. GET - manipulation or increasing degrees of freedom. Two aspects of freedom of choice
12. A source in the Torah: inner freedom - Lech Lecha
13. Two kinds of effects
More Information
Weight 0.610000
Publisher Jewish Center of Brighton Beach
ISBN 978-1441453099
Author Bruk, Meir
Height (CM) 23
Length (CM) 16
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