Dailystudy ofHiTaT(head ofthe Pentateuchwith commentaries of Rashi,the passageof the book "Tehillim" (Psalms) andthe book "Tanya») •oneof the most importantcustoms ofJewsaround the world.This studybrings theJews tothe material andspiritual well-being, protectsthem fromall dangers, and alsobrings thearrival ofMoshiach.Init wefinda hintin the Torah: "And the fear(HiTaT)of Gdin thecitiesanddid not pursue thesonsof Jacob."The availability ofHitachiin the machineensures the safety ofthe road.
The custom ofevery dayhas been establishedto study theHitachiRabbiYosefYitzchakSchneerson,sixthLubavitcher Rebbe, andto date,distributed to allJews livingin different cornersof the globe.