small format HITASorHitachi-(Hebrew: חת"ת)is an abbreviationof the words "Chumash" (Five Books ofMoses orTorah), "Psalms" (Psalms of David) and "Tanya".
RabbiYosefYitzchak Schneersohn- the sixthLubavitcherRebbe -setfor all Jewsmandatorydailystudy ofthe headof the PentateuchwithRashicomment, excerptsof the book "Psalms" (Psalms)and the book "Tanya".Atthissetting, we finda hintin the Torah: "And fear("Hitat")G-dforcitiesanddid not pursuethe sonsof Jacob."
Also, the presenceof the bookin the carHITASprovides safetyon the road.
One volumein Hebrew,in a convenient small format for a carHITAS