The first volume of "History of Israel. From the emergence of Zionism to our time, "Howard M. Sacker, a prominent American scientist, dedicated to the prehistory of the State of Israel and the first years of its existence. The book shows the birth and development palestinofilskogo and Zionist movements, titanic role in the establishment of T. Herzl's Zionism. The reader acquainted with the history of the first waves of Jewish settlers in Palestine have created the basis for the development of modern industry and agriculture. The author tells of the confrontation between Arab terrorism and the increasing hostility from the British authorities. The book reflects the significant role played by the Jews of Palestine in World War II and the heroic struggle for the establishment of a Jewish state, which led to the defeat of Arab armies in the War of Independence.
The second volume of "History of Israel. From the emergence of Zionism to our time, "tells the story of the State Israel from the mid 1950s to mid 1970s - the development of the country, place in an environment of continuous struggle with the Arab states, which actively supported the Soviet Union. We describe the outstanding victory of the Israeli army in 1967 and 1973., Complex processes, which ultimately led to the conclusion of a peace treaty with Egypt.
In the third volume of "History of Israel. From the emergence of Zionism to our time, "Howard M. Sacker, a prominent American scientist, described the modern period in the history of Israel. Displaying great importance for the life of the country's million-Aliyah from the Soviet Union. Tells of intense search for peace with neighboring Arab states and Palestinians, the war on terror, the first and second Lebanon wars. The book ends with a description of events in 2005, when Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza.