Golem and other stories

Golem and other stories

Towards Mashiah. 4 volumes

Towards Mashiah. 4 volumes

Judaism. The Basic Concepts

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Chief Editor: Shmuli Brown

The new edition of the reference book for children

From the message of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to all Jewish children
Dear children!

"Tzivos Hashem" - is quite an amazing army. You guys - its soldiers and officers. Supreme Commander - Gd Himself. That is why the army is called Army of Gd.
Studying Torah and observing the mitzvot, you are fighting a battle with yetzer hara (evil beginning) to bring to the world of good and light.
You've probably heard stories about our great King David, who won many wars. He wrote in the Psalms, the Book of Psalms that the strength of the Jewish people is based on the children. "From the lips of children and infants, - he wrote - Gd took effect, force the enemy to shut up ..." (Psalms, 8:3).
So when you children say the words of the Torah, you ensure peace and prosperity to our people. In addition, you can specify the correct path to others. Your family and friends in your example, make sure it's fine, learn Torah and fulfill its commandments.

More Information
Weight 0.190000
Publisher Tzivos Hashem
Author Dubov, Nisan, r.
Height (CM) 21
Length (CM) 15.6
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