Hebrew - it is very easy (dictionary context Associations)

Hebrew - it is very easy (dictionary context Associations)

Speak Hebrew

Speak Hebrew

Hebrew from letters to the root

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This handbook will acquaint the reader with the method of studying Hebrew vocabulary using linguistic values of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the two-letter combinations (cells). More detailed discussion of this method is given in the second part of the benefit, the first stage of the reader to be acquainted with the value of Hebrew letters, which determine the value which they form roots. Of the 22 letters of the alphabet are the determinants 18. Having learned the value of these 18 letters, or more precisely - their general idea, meaning the image, the reader can make many times the effective process of remembering the values of the Hebrew root as by the speed and strength. Small effort expended at this stage, will pay off handsomely in the future.

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Below is a list of 18 semantic letters indicating their importance. We also give examples of words (most often - on the basis of one or two consonants), illustrate these values. In addition, after every four letters related in meaning, given further examples of three-letter roots, whose values are close to the value of the first of the letters. In parentheses after the translation of these words is given a letter (sometimes - two or even three), whose values are easily, as if by itself, is associated with the value of the root as a whole.

The reader is invited to consult this list and learn the values presented in the letter by heart.

The author and publisher Ahaz wish you success!


More Information
Weight 0.220000
Publisher Ahaz
Author Lemelman, Y.
Height (CM) 24
Length (CM) 17
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