

Holy Writings

Holy Writings

Book of Ruth with commentaries of Rashi and Malbim. Shavuot

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In Midrash Ruth Rabbah - Miscellany agadicheskih comments created in the Land of Israel about 6 -1 centuries - contains arguments about the meaning of the biblical book of Ruth : " So Rabbi Zeira said : " In this book, nothing is said neither forbidden nor that it is permissible , nor any of its pure and profaned - why was it written? Teach you how great reward repayed . " This statement is somewhat diminishes the value of the Book of Ruth as a halachic , ie regulatory, source , thus emphasizing its main terms of the Talmudic sages, trend - a lesson of morality , to convey the idea how important it is to do good.
In the book of Ruth , it would seem, is not taken into account as set out in the Torah ( Deuteronomy 23 in the book : 4-5 ) law that prohibits pre-nuptial alliance with Moab . ( In this book, not just rejection of mixed marriages , as in a later book of Nehemiah ( 13:1 ) ) . On the contrary - the story in the book of Ruth executed admiration this alien woman , her devotion to the Jewish people and the God of Israel . The author describes the marriage of Ruth and Boaz as a role model and praise . Boaz , with a mouth that does not leave the name of God , and Ruth tirelessly to do good deeds , represented people loved the Torah and entirely faithful to their execution. The narrative should dispel any doubt that the characters in the book did not fulfill the law of the Torah Devarim . Therefore, it must be assumed that the interpretation of the Mishnah : " Ammon and Moab eternal taboo prohibition , and their women allowed ( Jews ) immediately " (Megillah 8:3 ) - the initial premise of the book of Ruth .
Story about Ruth the Moabite , which became one of the famous daughters of the Jewish people - is not halachic example, but the next generation saw him as a precedent , giving justification and moral justification that the person who has come from outside, can become part of the Jewish people (see . Babylonian Talmud, Yevamos 476 , Ruth Rabbah 2, 22 ) . Loyalty and devotion of the heroine, which is not to worry about the fate of the duties of the living and of the dead inheritance , again and again praised in the pages of this book , giving food for thought about what is good and piety is the true foundation of proselytism . Within the Jewish tradition from every proselyte expect solidarity with the fate of the Jewish people, which is expressed in the words of Ruth : " Your people - my people , your God - my God ."
There is in this book and the idea that sometimes follows meekly submit to fate, and sometimes life position must be active , and you should always work hard . Book of Ruth resurrects the reader era Judges , on this historical background the laws of the Torah, they have shown concern for the poor and the stranger , proselyte , of landowners who should be returned to its original inheritance and widow - her family share. ( These actions are symbolically called the word " Geula " - " release - redemption ." )
The text contains important information about the kind of King David , a descendant of Ruth. The book praises David and pedigree shows what reward foremothers David , marked the beginning of the genus coming Deliverer .
All these and many other aspects and themes of the book of Ruth were the object of attention of traditional commentators Scripture that each from a different angle of view, sought to extract lessons from this book . As part of this publication offers the reader two classic commentary on the book.
More Information
Weight 0.110000
Publisher Gesharim
ISBN 965-7189-04-7
Height (CM) 16.8
Length (CM) 12
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