Fiery Letters. Numerology, Astrology, Meditation in Hebrew Tradition

Fiery Letters. Numerology, Astrology, Meditation in Hebrew Tradition

Astrology And Kabbalah

Astrology And Kabbalah

Music and Kabbalah

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The book "Music and Kabbalah" is written in a series of lectures given by the author on the subject. The lectures aroused so much interest that it was decided to collect and publish them in a book. This book - one of many that institution once from Mahon was able to publish in a relatively short period of time. Written in both Hebrew and English, the book cover many relevant topics of our time, using the method of numerology (gematria). Due to the huge interest shown in wide circles to this field of research, the institute, led by Rabbi M. Foo-zersonom, plans to organize seminars, weekends, camps, etc. to spread this knowledge among all interested persons numerology.

The aim of all the books written by us, including this one, was to highlight the depth of wisdom contained in the sacred language of Judaism and Hebrew. This book examines representations of Jewish philosophy, as a secret and open about music. In my previous books discuss various topics that shed light on the wisdom of the Hebrew language, we analyzed the words and letters. We have tried to trace the reflection of Jewish wisdom in other cultures ("From Hinduism back to Judaism"); to find a connection between astrology and Kabbalah ("Above the Zodiak");, we discussed the influence of ideas of Judaism on the economy ("Riches and Righteousness"); dismantled Jewish concept of marriage ("Revelations about marriage").
The importance of music to achieve the prophetic sostoyapiya repeatedly emphasized in the Bible, such as in the case of the prophet Elisha (2 Mlahim 3:15): "And now bring me a musician. And it was, when the musician played, the hand of ha-Shem rested on him" . Based on the terms of Rabbi Nachman of Braslava said that the musician has to achieve a full merger with the melody.

Another example can be found in the prediction of the prophet Samuel, given them by the king Shaul (Shmuel I 10:5): "And when you draw near to the city, you will meet a group of prophets, which goes from the heights, with the harp and the drum, with the flute and the lyre, and they inspire prophecy itself. " Through music prophet communicates with the higher worlds and reaches prophecy. On (Asaf), (Hayman) and '(Yedutune) written (Chronicles 25:1 1) that they were playing a musical instrument in the hour of the prophecy: "And the sons of Asaph, Hay-man and Iedutuna prophesy with harps, lyres and cymbals . "

Our book does not claim to universal coverage discussed in these subjects, because these subjects are inexhaustible, in addition, they are too closely associated with many uneasy concepts of Kabbalah. We just tried to convince the reader that the holy language that Gd created the world, has an inexhaustible knowledge. Those who wish to further explore this subject, can continue the search in other works. Our goal was only to direct the hearts and minds of the people to the source of the wealth of Judaism. Unfortunately, people do not realize this and are trying to find the truth of Gd in the East, and wherever possible, without referring them to close their own roots in Judaism.

We hope that the book "Music and Kabbalah," with God's help, to better understand and feel the words of the Torah Well howl and force it to respect. This knowledge will return vposle consequence "children" to their "Heavenly Father", bringing spared and the coming of the Messiah soon in our days.

Rabbi M. Glazerson Jerusalem, Tammuz 5748


Part of the musical scale
Chapter 1 Semibukvenny cycle
Chapter 2 Hebrew Vowels
Chapter 3: The relationship between high and low octaves
Chapter 4 imply a supernatural octave
Chapter 5: Why are there four octaves
Chapter 6: The emergence of the first octave
Chapter 7 The emergence of the second octave
Chapter 8: The emergence of the third octave
PART II musical terminology
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Simple Melody
Chapter 3 Harmony, beauty and power
Chapter 4 Song
Chapter 5: The value of the song
Chapter 6 Melody
Chapter 7: To the glory of nature and the wonders of the
Chapter 8: Singing and eternity
Chapter 9 unique voice
Chapter 10 The expression of joy
Chapter 2 The Shofar
Chapter 3 Lute
Chapter 4 Kinor
Chapter 5: The combination of the shofar, Nevel and Kinor
Chapter 6 Toph
Chapter 7 Moholy
Chapter 8 Min
Chapter 9 Ugav
Chapter 10 Tsiltseley shaman tsiltseley trois
Songs of the Sabbath and holidays

Rabbi R. Harris

Getting acquainted with a new product, a musician necessarily looking music sheet, looking for an indication, at what rate should play: fast, slow, melancholy, sad. Imagine a musician who found marked "religious", "spiritual" or "holy." How to perform this kind of music? For me it would be "lively", "joy" and "cheerful"! Indeed, when a person dies, struck by the beauty of the B-zhego world when he is covered thanks to the Creator for the gifts that He grants us every day, from his soul can not escape a joyful song of praise to the Creator! The Torah warns us against joyless service (Deuteronomy 28:47): "When did you have all in abundance, and you did not serve the L-rd your Gd with joy and with a happy heart." We can see that the person is obliged to serve Gd with joy and contentment, and the songs and the music - an integral part of the service Almighty (Erhii 11a).

There are countless examples of the giants of the spirit that made the singing part of his service to the Creator.
The Midrash Rabbah (Vayetze) reported that all 22 years, while Yaakov Avinu pass flocks of Laban, he praised Gd great songs. Wind worn these tunes almost a thousand years, until they finally were discovered King David. At midnight, the king woke up from the sounds of the harp hanging on the wall above his bed - it was playing on the strings of the north wind (as it is said (Psalms 119:62): "Go up to the midnight praise you ..."). He got out of bed and wrote hymns to the glory of the King of Kings, who have for thousands of years and are an inspiration to many many people.

Music has always had a gift to inspire and awaken. When the famous Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin (1887-1934) was asked how he managed to change the lives of so many departed from the faith of the Jews, he replied: "If a person goes to a wedding, it can come in a bad mood, but the musicians immediately change it. I also always wear my band with you! "

King David says (Psalms 100:2), "Serve Gd with joy, come to him with the song." Let us understand what the song is and what it can do to make full use of this powerful tool and thin in his service of Gd.


More Information
Weight 0.280000
Publisher Gesharim
ISBN 5-7349-0028-1
Author Glazerson, Matityagu
Height (CM) 22.5
Length (CM) 15
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