Jewish Calendar Month by Month. Sivan

Jewish Calendar Month by Month. Sivan

Encyclopedia of Concepts and Terms in Judaism

Encyclopedia of Concepts and Terms in Judaism

On the Road to Excellence

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Loss-making and flawed material world are obvious, all of it, in general, and in particular, is subject to destruction. What man would not have created, this creation will not last forever, and over time will deteriorate and crumble, until completely decomposed into components. And no matter how we try, no matter how much effort was applied, to improve the physical world does not work, because the desire for perfection is not peculiar to him. Why, then, include the notion of perfection?

Strive for excellence - this is a purely spiritual aspect, which is characteristic only reason. That he is a man thirst for knowledge pushes him to research, it encourages an overwhelming desire to reach peaks, makes hone their skills and knowledge improve.

The path to perfection is complex and multifaceted, and mostly because of limited materiality. The human body is not his own man - is
filling his spirituality, the soul is clothed in a material container, the material body. The soul through the mind and thinking, feelings and desires are able to create and contemplate, and to strive for excellence. Mind and body are in constant conflict: the spirit of a man pulls up to spiritual perfection, the body pulls the man down to the physical appetites. This is the law of unity and struggle of opposites. But then what is it, the path to perfection?

The path to perfection - this is the way kedu-shi (special holiness) given to us by God in the Torah Moshe rabenu. The fact that there kedusha - our book.

The book is based on the words of the Written Torah - Tanach, and orally - the Talmud, Zohar, Midrash. The book also uses calculations from the works of major POSCO Rishonim (rabbis legislators), and Rabbi Yosef Karo, the main legislator in Judaism over the past 500 years.

table of contents

Chapter 1. Become Kedoshim
Chapter 2. The essence naziruta
Chapter 3. Nazira in history
Chapter 4. Nazirut today
Chapter 5. Types naziruta
Chapter 6. Nazirut commandment in the Torah
Chapter 7. Nazirut outside Israel
Chapter 8. The boundaries of the Land of Israel
Chapter 9. Special commands for nazira
Chapter 10. The duty naziruta
Chapter 11. On the dangers of wine
Chapter 12. The advantage naziruta
Chapter 13. Respect for Nazir
Chapter 14. Who denies nazirut?



More Information
Weight 0.570000
Author Davidov, Gavriel
Height (CM) 23
Length (CM) 17
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