Complete Collector of Prayers to Three Holidays: Pesakh, Shavuot and Succos. Small format

Complete Collector of Prayers to Three Holidays: Pesakh, Shavuot and Succos. Small format

Grace After Meals

Grace After Meals

Complete Collector of Prayers to Three Holidays: Pesakh, Shavuot and Succos. Big format

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In principle, one can turn to the Creator in any language: the main prayer to "flowed" from the heart, sincerely, in tangible communion with the One who rules the whole world one. Yet it is believed that the reading of the holy language increases the power of prayer so that it becomes a truly magical ability to be heard and accepted in Heaven. So we offer you just such a collection: someone can pray for translation, but one who wants to participate in a group praying along with everyone can say the prayers in their basic form, for which he proposed a phonetic Russian letters. However, even the one who is praying for phonetic writing is useful to read the translation, which comes after the passage read - "to set yourself up for the right wave," feel the original meaning, to feel the greatness and beauty of the words with which a person turns to the Creator world.

Pray the holy language - will see and the power of prayer and its wonderful property run. One example of this - a centuries-old experience of our people!

And now a few words about the main terms of the knowledge of which is necessary to the faithful.

Three holiday Torah - it's Passover, the spring holiday, when they recall the Exodus from Egypt and eat matzah and expelled from home and from your diet all leaven, is a summer holiday of Shavuot, the memory of the receiving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, and is Sukkot, the autumn festival 'ascension four species of plants "and living in the sukkah.

The structure of holiday dates is as follows. In Israel, one day of Passover, and then five days, "poluprazdnika" (in Hebrew - hol-amoed, "holiday routine"), at the end of Easter week - Shvii-shel-Pesach (the seventh day of Passover). Abroad Israel every holiday copes two days. Therefore week of Passover outside of Israel is arranged as follows: two festive days, then four days of Chol-amoed for them again two holidays - Shvii-shel Pesach, and Aharon-shel-Pesach (The last day of Passover).

Shavuot. In Israel, one day beyond - two.

Sukkot. In Israel, the one day of the holiday, then six days of Chol-amoed, the sixth day has a special name - Oshana-Rab, in this day staged lavish procession with the "four species of plants" in his hands. After the completion of the week Sukkot - the holiday Shemini Atzeret. Abroad: two holidays Sukkot, followed by five days of Chol-amoed (fifth-Oshana-Slave). After the completion of the week - two additional days: Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, the holiday "Joy of the Torah." (For Israel, Shemini Atzeret is the same as the Simchat Torah.)

Prayers made to say in the synagogue or at least in the presence of at least ten adult Jews who are minyan, the community of worshipers. Leads prayer Hazan, sometimes he reads only those passages that relies read to him, but not the community, but sometimes it just starts a new passage that is picked up by the community.
In four great holiday read prayers: morning (shahr), the added to the morning (Musaf), day (Mincha) and evening (Arabia, or Maariv). The core of each of them - this is a special text called Shmona, Esra (eighteen blessings) or Amida (from the root Amado stand, because it is read carefully standing).

In the morning and evening, before amides, read through the prayer Shema Yisrael with appropriate blessings. Before the morning Shema is a series of passages that have a common name - Pasuk-dezimra, chapters from the book of Psalms (Tehillim). After the morning Amidah on holidays and on Chol-amoed community says other psalms, called Alel, "the song of praise of the Creator." After Hallel on holidays and poluprazdnikam remove the Torah scrolls from Arona (the box where they are stored) and read the relevant passages day. These passages we are at the end Machzor.

On Saturday, the reading of the Torah are invited seven of the Jews, the feast that falls not on Saturday - five in Chol-Amod - four. On holidays and Saturdays and even read a passage from the Prophets, called AFTA-ra. Summoned to this pre-reading Jew reads the special passage from the Torah (Maftir). (In fact, the particular passages are read by the reader, as called for reading only delivers the appropriate blessings.)

There is another important short prayer - Kaddish, uttered in the presence of the community Khazanov, as well as a man who is obliged to read it in the memory of the deceased close relative (11 months after his death and on the anniversary of his death). Kaddish in memory of the deceased is called the ka-dish-Yatom, "mourner's prayer." Each Kaddish is given in our max-dawn during the common prayer, so that it does not need to look at other pages.

Concerning the transliteration note that the basis is chosen pronunciation of Hebrew, the language recognized by the state in the Land of Israel. This pronunciation is somewhat different from that in the range of religious Jews from communities in Eastern Europe.

The name of God in our collection is pronounced A-Donau, although among the Hasidim and the representatives of the "Lithuanian direction" adopted a different version of the name (in the end-oh). How do you - check with your rabbi.

Note to write text to Russian letters: the letter "e" is almost always indicated a short vowel sound corresponding to the Hebrew sign-on seam. It should be pronounced fluently without an accent.

The fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, we can not denote, though, by the rules, it should be pronounced as Ukrainian "g" or the English "h". We do this for two reasons. First, in the Russian language there is no sign to indicate that sound. Second, it is better not to say at all, than to pronounce correctly. (This, by the way, and enter the Israelis: in most cases, in a conversation they miss the sound.)

The editor Reuven Piatigorsky

Table of contents

Search and destroy chametz
Light Candles
Daily prayer on the eve of and on Chol-amoed
Amida prayer before the holiday and on Chol-amoed
Meeting Saturday
Evening Prayer Festival
Amida prayer for the evening celebration
Prayers to visit the sukkah
Prayer out of the sukkah
Evening Kiddush on holiday
Morning blessings
Morning Prayer
Prayer Shahram
Morning Amida holiday
Blessings on the lulav
Psalms for the days of the week
Removing the scrolls
Blessings caused to the Torah
Torah Reading
Blessings to read the author
The return of the scroll in Aron
The prayer for dew
Prayer for Rain
Musaf on holiday and Chol-amoed
Shire akavod
Morning Kiddush for a holiday and Saturday Chol-amoed
Daily prayer festival
Akdamut on Shavuot
Compilation of "lulav" for the holiday Sukkot
Oshanot on Chol-amoed Sukkot and Hoshana Raba-
Akafot on Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
Prayers on Chol-amoed
Amida on Saturday evening Chol-amoed
Kiddush on Saturday evening Chol-amoed
Morning Amida on Saturday Chol-amoed
Amida Day on Saturday Chol-amoed
Evening Prayer on the Chol-amoed and the outcome of the holiday
Counting of the Omer
Awdal on Shabbat and holidays
The passages from the Torah and aftarot for Passover
The passages from the Torah on Shavuot and aftarot
The passages from the Torah and aftarot on Sukkot
The passages from the Torah and aftarot Shemini Atzeret on
The passages from the Torah and aftarot on Simchat Torah
Reshut Hatan Torah
Reshut Hut-Genesis
More Information
Weight 1.060000
Publisher Avida
Height (CM) 24.5
Length (CM) 18
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