Anthology Talks Relating to the weekly sections of the Torah by Lubavitcher Rebbe. 5 volumes

Anthology Talks Relating to the weekly sections of the Torah by Lubavitcher Rebbe. 5 volumes

Faith After the Holocaust

Faith After the Holocaust

Accepting a Call of an Epoch

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Does the Torah response for all occasions? Absolutely! But this requires in-depth knowledge and ability to apply it in practice guidance.

In this book you will learn about the position of Judaism on such topical issues as:

The ratio of the Torah to the study of secular sciences.
The division of the people into two classes: the working
and students.
Israel and the nations of the world.
Genetic engineering: halachic and philosophical
Settling the Land of Israel: the right and duty.
Preservation of the environment.

And also find explanations of contradictions in the statements of the Jewish sages such as:

- On the one hand, the sexual drive is called "evil motive of sin," and on the other - it was "very good."
On the one hand, the one who does not teach his son a trade, like teaching him to rob, on the other hand, said: "Teach your son only Torah!"
On the one hand, it is said: "All learning is highly revered sages," and the other - "Cursed is everyone who teaches his son Greek wisdom."
On the one hand, it is said that in the commandment to love your neighbor is the whole Torah, on the other hand we are told that God appreciates a man only by his piety.

About the Author

Yehuda (Leo) Levi - an authority on religious and secular subjects. He has two honorary degrees: a rabbi and professor. In the past - Rector of the Polytechnic Institute of Jerusalem, "Machon Lev," the dean of the faculty of physics and electro-optics, the owner of a degree in electrical engineering (City College, New York) and in physics (Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn).
Finished Kollel (high school on Judaism) "Gur Aryeh" and was certified to teach religious subjects.
He also served as president of the "Union of the religious scholars" in the U.S. and in Israel.
Fedara awarded in the "Torah and Science" and the award-Abramovich Tsaytlina of "Jewish literature."
Rabbi Professor Yehuda Levy wrote Bole eight hundred articles and books on how scientific and technological research, as well as issues of Jewish philosophy, Halacha, Tanakh and Talmud.


Lecture 1. Jewish nationalism
Lecture 2. Zionism in the evaluation of the Torah
Lecture 3. The State of Israel - a test of strength
Lecture 4. What kind of economic system preaches
The Torah - the capitalist or socialist?
Lecture 5. The public's right to private property
Lecture 6. Settling the Land of Israel: the right and duty
Lecture 7. Israel and the nations of the world
Lecture 8 The relationship between Jews and non-Jews
PART I. THE MAN AND SOCIETY Lecture 1. Love of neighbor and social harmony
as the essence of the Torah
Lecture 2. Love your neighbor as part of the love of Gd. Lecture 3. The strike as a form of social
Lecture 4. Cheating on exams and tax records ..
Lecture 1. Libido. His appointment
Lecture 2. Libido. Conductor holiness
Lecture 3. Sexual desire and its valid
Lecture 4. Psychology. Modern theories of the Torah.
In which area of ​​expertise is psychology?
Lecture 5. Beauty and art. The role of beauty
PART IV. The Torah and the Derech Eretz Lecture 1. The division of the people into two classes:
working and studying
Lecture 2. Torah study and obtaining the means to
existence - two conflicting responsibilities
Lecture 3. "Love your work!"
Lecture 4. The ratio of the Torah to the study of secular sciences Lecture 5. The study of secular sciences. Humanities and Social Sciences
Lecture 6. The study of secular sciences. Science
Lecture 7. The Torah and the "Derech Eretz". The active life of this world
Lecture 8. "Derech Eretz" in the Torah
Lecture 9. The problem of ecology: life at the expense of future generations
Technology and Medicine
Lecture 1. Artificial insemination, genetic engineering:
Halakhic and philosophical problems
Lecture 2. Torah in the era of space exploration
Lecture 3. Faith is the basis of science
Lecture 4. Freedom of choice in a deterministic world:
the uncertainty principle and the wisdom of the Creator
Lecture 5. Divine providence or human effort?
Lecture 6. Foundations of faith in the truth of the Torah


We live in an age of science. In this century, our knowledge about the world and the laws that govern it, extremely expanded and continues to grow at an accelerated pace. At the same time, we have not progressed in understanding the meaning of our existence, there is no progress in the area of ​​morality, and awareness of its values. Swiss philosopher Marcus Fierz, said: "The scientific discoveries of our time have shed a bright light on some aspects of human existence that all other areas enveloped more thick darkness." Jewish tradition provides a wealth of material to deal with moral and ethical issues that have arisen in recent years. This heritage is not only a unique framework, but has proven its viability for 3500 years, despite the ordeal.

The book contains a series of lectures, which address the possible solutions to contemporary issues, based on an ancient heritage. Lectures were given in the framework of the "Beit Midrash" at the Jerusalem Institute of Technology "Machon Lev." Almost all of them have been prepared at the request of the students who want to understand the difficulties and contradictions of the modern era.
More Information
Weight 0.370000
Publisher Amana
Author Levi, Y., prof.
Height (CM) 21
Length (CM) 14
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