Imperial Crown. Keter Malchut

Imperial Crown. Keter Malchut

In My Heart The Sanctuary I shall Erect

In My Heart The Sanctuary I shall Erect

Road of Wisdom

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One of the most important books p. M.-H. Luzzatto, which includes everything that affects the brain activity a full man, striving for true perfection. In a simple and clear manner the author reveals the deepest secrets related to the source of blessing.


Book Ramchal (Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, 1707-1747), philosopher and Kabbalist, "The Way of Wisdom" is the most important essence of its content and the central product of the dozens of surviving his books, so it includes all that affects alertness complete man aspiring to true perfection. In this book, the great Jewish sage offers a simple and clear form the deepest secrets of communication with a source of blessing, and everyone knows them will comfort all the thirsty soul, and achieve success in all areas of life, both spiritual and material. The book is written in a very accessible way, as student-teacher dialogue.

We can see from this book and from daily experience that a complete human nature from an urge to "up" to its source. But there are obstacles and interference ... And in order to eliminate them, comes the great book "The Way of Wisdom." The translator - a great expert on the creative heritage Ramchal, and for a long time studying them, made an important discovery: the book "The Way of Wisdom" is the same basic labor Ramchal as "The Way of the Creator" ("Derech Hashem"), a classic work and a guide to the Jewish outlook, and as a "righteous path" ("Mesilat Esharim"), a classic of Jewish ethics. We must congratulate the reader holds in his hands on this rare book, one of the first of these transfers, in which the genius of Jewish thought "spoke" in good Russian. The translator has done a lot of work to convey an accurate and perfect classical language of the Hebrew original, which, like the other books of this genius inherent brevity and perfection. So now finally available to Russian readers the true meaning of the book, which opens vast horizons in front of each person looking for.

More Information
Weight 0.060000
Author Lutzatto, Moshe-Chaim
Height (CM) 22
Length (CM) 14
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