One of the great books in human culture, Zohar (Light) has its own dramatic destiny. It is the basic source of the Jewish kabbalah. For Judaism mystical rise at the end of the Middle Ages has appeared a prologue to mystical rise XVI-XVIII centuries, religious creativity of the Spanish Jews carried in itself a germ of the future creativity of Jews of Palestin, Turkey, Italy and Poland. It happened because in hands of Jews there was book Zogar.
Prefaceto the second editionof an interpreter Prefaceto the first editionof an interpreter. RabbiShimonin the Talmud andthe Midrashim
The cave RabbiShimoncomes out ofthe cave Creation of Man Exodus from Egypt AboutPrayer The poorvictim Rabbi ChiyabeforeRabbiShimon Crying andjoy Expulsion ofthe destroying angel soul resurrection Updating thewordsof the Torah TreesRabbiPinchas Sacrifice intercession RavGemnunaSava The greatnessof Rabbi Shimon Nightof Shavuot RabbiShimonin Babylon The combinationwith Divinity PraiseRabbiShimon Vyšnacolor Rabbi Shimon'sdisease saint mystery ofsewage HomeHydra'sSlaves End ofHydraSlaves The Angel of Death HomeHydraZuty End ofHydraZuty. The deathof Rabbi Shimon Visions ofRabbiYehuda InHeavenSchool
The book isabout therighteous Comments. Finding Aid