This collection is considered a complete and final decision of the author on the give subject. The book is supplied by the help device, the table with transfer of the most common products and blessings relying to them, the extensive comment which correlates the text of the author to realities of today and makes it accessible even for the unsophisticated reader.
table of contents
Introduction /6 Chapter 1.General rules forpronouncing theblessingover the foodandfornee/11 Chapter 2.Blessingsfor various types ofpastry/ 25 glavaz.The major andminorcomponents of thedish /42 Chapter4.Meals servedduring the meal/ 53 GLAVA5.The procedureforpronouncingblessings changes inthe participant's intentionsmeal/ 62 GLAVAb.Blessingsforfruit andovoschi/69 Chapter 7.Blessingsfora variety of products, over whichpronouncedShe-ha-kolnigyabi-Dwar, drinks, soupsand dishesof groundproducts/ 81 Chapter 8.The blessingspronouncedafter eating/ 97 Chapter 9The break between theblessing andthe food andchange of placeduringedy/104 Chapter 10.The orderpronouncingblessings/ 120 glava11.Blessingsforflavors/ 130 Chapter 12.Blessings forhappy eventsandnovosti/142 GlavAPU.Gratitudeblagosloveniya/155 Some additionalblessings/ 166 Blessingswith transliteration(AshkenazicandSephardic), andtransfer /169 Alphabetical indexblessings/ 189