Anthology Talks Relating to the weekly sections of the Torah by Lubavitcher Rebbe. Dvarim

Anthology Talks Relating to the weekly sections of the Torah by Lubavitcher Rebbe. Dvarim

Introduction in the Tanach. Ketuvim

Introduction in the Tanach. Ketuvim

Selected Thoughts & Comments on the Weekly Chapters

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In 1980 Chamah organization published the book " Torah and Spiritual Renaissance", in two volumes . It achieved wide-scale distribution, and was reprinted in several editions; thus, it became an important Jewish tradition reference book among Russian speaking Jews. Most of the first volume was dedicated for explanation of various thoughts from the weekly chapters.
At present,  a new  and  updated  edition  has  been prepared for printing.
During the preparation of this book for printings its contents was expanded and re-edited.
This book isn't similar to another book -"Conversations on the Weekly Chapters of the Torah", published by "Chama" in 1995.
Aryeh Ben-Efraim
More Information
Weight 0.500000
Publisher Chamah
ISBN 978-965-91023-1-0
Height (CM) 23
Length (CM) 16
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