Laws of Shabbat in Brief

Laws of Shabbat in Brief

Waking Up Jewish

Waking Up Jewish

Shem Olam. Volume 2

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This books is bout life's purpose and inheritance rights in the future .

Praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God for the fact that after the recent successful launch of the first part of this book, we , by the grace of His and His great help complete the publication of the second part started . For all general that it is the first part , it is a separate book , which can be read independently of the first . The author gives it the most important , worthy of the greatest sage of recent generations advice and guidance , relevant and vital today , no less than in his time.

In the main section of the second part presents a number of topics that can be broadly described as " the way of serving the Almighty " and " the way of the divine supervision and management" that a person should do to ensure a decent portion in eternity.

In addition to this main section , the book contains added .

The first section , " On the scattering of Israel" has been included by the Chafetz Chaim . In those days, many Jews were leaving Eastern Europe in search of a better life across the ocean and there were great spiritual danger of falling. It would seem that the matter of the past , but the approach and set out the basis of the Torah there are relevant and eternal. In addition, the theme itself is in fact still remains highly relevant. Even today , just for the same reason , people brought up in a traditional Jewish environment , often under the first alien world of new professions , business, science, etc. , fall into the environment of people with different norms and attitudes , or think about such opportunities for themselves or their children ... And it does not have to go far: the new world is not the ocean , but it was right , or in a neighboring town ... How to make the right decision ? And if you have already entered into the world , how to behave in it to protect yourself, your family and avoid spiritual harm ? Tips Chafetz Chaim on all of this , is truly priceless.

The second addition , decorated as Appendix 1 , are two articles from the final part of the book Chafetz Chaim " Homat a- date ."

The first , " The Way of the Torah ," the critical and always up to date , "eternal" theme upbringing and education of children . Today, as in those days , many who want to "supplement and improve" the education of children , supposedly in their best interest , and the Chafetz Chaim sees this as a "dangerous trap on the way the children of our nation ... " Chafetz Chaim gives the order and the principles of learning, set for the proper organization of the process of training and education , with the consent of all the great sages of Israel.




The second article is the continuation of the first part of this book support the theme of the Torah. The times today are not less violent and fatal than in the days of the Chafetz Chaim , and we are all together and individually , in dire need of merit that will protect and shield us . Meanwhile, during the past few years there has been a revolution , and if in the first period after the fall of the "Iron Curtain" russkoyaychnaya our Jewish community was poor and was dependent on their brothers in the West , today many of our brothers have received , thank Gd , blessed in the affairs of the earth, and great wealth , and some of them have become a true pillar of the Torah. They really paid transitory wealth in their eternal acquisition , honor and praise ! Give them Gd true blessing in material and spiritual ! But there is , as is said: " The wealth stored in humans for evil to him " ( Kohelet 5:12 ) if he did not put his wealth at the service of the good. Many people understand the importance of charity, but not everyone understands the particular importance is the support of the Torah , for which a person is booked for a very special award , similar to the reward for its study , which our sages said : "The Light of Torah revives him" ( Ketubot , 1116 , for details, see author's preface to the 1st to this book). And the Russian-speaking Jews today can be fully pillar stronghold of the Torah , no less than the U.S. !

Appendix 2 in our book includes two important and interesting piece of the famous book p. 111. Lorenz " Bamehitsatam " ( published in Russian translation of us it is called "Among the great "), referenced in our notes to the 14th chapter .

Anyone who reads this book Chafetz Chaim , turn awe and reverence for the insight , wisdom and purity of the soul of our great teacher and the power of his Torah , allowing him to create a book that could become a compass for generations in the stormy sea of the last century of our history.

The book is extremely deep , and we have made every effort to penetrate deeply into the author's intention , and if somewhere is not awarded a full understanding of , the responsibility for any translation errors are ours .

More Information
Shelf 00-01-05
Weight 0.450000
Publisher Beerot Yitshak
Author Chafetz Chaim
Height (CM) 23
Length (CM) 18
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