Salo U.Baron(1895-1989)- oneof the greatest Jewishhistorianof the 20th century,a scientific schoolanda new concept ofJewish history.In themain workof his life,"Socialand Religious Historyof the Jews" Baron, drawing ona widehistorical context, consistentlydebunksthe traditional view ofJewish history,whichhe called "atearfultheory."Jewish history, according toBaron,is not constantharassment andmourningthe victims,the most important featureof this peopleis the ability tosurvive andthrivedespitepreledovaniyam."Socialand Religious History ofthe Jews"closes thechain-scaleworks on the historyof the Jewish people, startedby HeinrichGraetzand continuedSemyonDubnov, but thisessaywas largely determined bythe development of modernJewish historiography.