A set of15 post cardsthat can be sentby mail. Speciallyperforatededgesallow you to separatea card fromthe generalnotebook.
In the era ofemancipation ofthe Jewswillinglyfollowed thefashionsandtrendsof European society andenthusiastic abouthisnew hobby -postcard."Michtavgaluy" ("Open Letter" -IIA.) In the lateXIX -earlyXXcentury,was widespreadin the Jewish community.The main centers ofJewishpostcardswere Germany,part of Poland,incorporatedinto the Russian Empire, and theUnited States.The illustrations onthe cardsJewishotkrazilidiverseJewish worldof that era.
Family - themost important component ofa unit ofthe Jewish community,the Jewish people.Startcreating a family- itHupa,wedding ceremony,which is carefullyprepared andcarriedtriumphantly.