Guidebook of Confused

Guidebook of Confused

Faith and Trust

Faith and Trust

Three Dimensions of Soul

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Articles talk about the essence of the soul in the service of this world - its beginning, correct and objective. Before each section is a brief biography of the author. The translation is done in the walls beit midrash (in yeshiva), people are constantly studying the Torah.
About Rawa Elhonone Wasserman
Rabbi Wasserman Elhonon - "The Source of Faith"
(Trans. Pinchas Perloff)
About Rav Yisroel Salanter
Rav Yisroel Salanter - "Knowledge of God-fearing"
(Trans. Jonathan Shuhman)
About Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus
Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus - The "depth of love"
(Trans. Jonathan Shuhman)

A fragment from the book:

The story goes that one day a philosopher Gentile asked the celebrated sage of the Torah p. Jonathan Aybeshyutsa (author of Baal tumim): "It is written in the Torah:" For the majority of incline. " You - a minority of people, why do not you accept our faith? "He replied Rabbi Aybeshyuts that the law requiring follow the majority, is valid only in case of doubt, but not when everything is perfectly clear. For example, when nine stores sell kosher meat, and one - a non-kosher, and found a piece of meat, on which no one can see, from what store it - in such a situation, we follow the majority (and believe kosher meat). However, if we see that the meat from the only shop where they sell non-kosher meat, then what will help most? So we are: we have no doubt of the truth of our faith, and no majority will force us to give it up! The explanation of this - a true and perfectly clear, but in the light of the above, the question at all out of place. The above words of the Torah ("for the majority incline") refer to the judges, suitable for judging who have no personal interest in the case. However, if most judges have such an interest, and in a minority - no, then you need to follow the minority! In matters of faith and service to Gd person can only reach the truth when he is completely free from all desires of this world, and such people are not found among other peoples. They may only be holy sages of Israel, like the angels of Gd! And if they were among the sages of other peoples in some times, people, clean of lust, they were negligible compared to our holy sages were thousands and tens of thousands. And our Prophet said that there were twice as much as the Jews left Egypt, but those whose prophecies did not need to subsequent generations, were not included in the Tanakh. It was the same after them, in the generations of Tanana (the authors of the Mishnah) and Amora'im (authors of the Gemara) ... Thus, from the very same, the law ("follow the majority") that we are required to take the heritage received from our Sages of blessed memory. Once they were worthy to judge in matters relating to faith, because their mind is free from any influence of desires and interests. And when asked why the Jews did not have to obey in matters of faith to other nations, we can liken it such a scene: a man walks into a pub where wallows in the mud and filth hundreds of drunks, and they say to him: "We've a lot, and you - only one, why do not you do like us? "And in matters of faith: in addition to the sages of Israel, all the rest (the sages of other nations) are like drunks, drugged his desires, and our sages said, only one can be called free who engages in the Torah, for without it no one can be freed from the evil motives leaning mind lusts after ...
More Information
Weight 0.310000
Publisher Tora Lishma
Author Salanter, I., r.; Wasserman, E.B., r.; Pinkus, S., D., r.
Height (CM) 22
Length (CM) 14.7
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