Religious man , of course, convinced that the world has a Creator and that this Creator once opened people on Mount Sinai and laid out His Will in the Torah. But how difficult it is sometimes to fulfill the Will .
How so , because the Torah itself says that the commandments are close to us and very much !
A Torah is the absolute truth , the revelation of the Creator Himself . Hence, the need born material world and we seem so natural , in fact only hide our essence . And it is this essence , this bzhestvennaya soul embodies our mission in life , personal journey in discovering each Light TG - CAR on the ground. Learning your way just is through acquaintance with his own Divine soul, with particle of Creator in each of us . Road to this book tells us today Tania . Perhaps that is why the fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe Rebbe compared the book with Tania Pentateuch Moses . It is interesting to note that the author himself called his book " Meeting statements " , and the first part of the "Book of the average ."
But in the second edition, published in Romania ( without the participation of the Alter Rebbe ) book called " Holy Taniey ." There should probably remind you that the word of the holy Hebrew " Kadosh " means "isolated" . And, indeed , the book is very, very unusual. As the grandson of the Alter Rebbe Tzemach Tzedek has only itself to study Tanya awakens to action the great powers of the soul .
More than fifteen hundred years before the Alter Rebbe 's greatest Kabbalist Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai wrote that "Tanya " is the name of the clips , then there are forces trying to hide Light Tvrtsa . And this clip nestles in the heart and makes every effort to keep the Jews from studying the hidden parts of the Torah and its secrets. And beat this clip can just study the secrets of the Torah. And behold, there came the Alter Rebbe began his great book of short supply. And the study of this book , revealing the secrets of the Torah , we split a clip , Creator's Light fills our minds and feelings. The word " Tania " in Hebrew consists of the same letters as the word " Eitan " mighty . And in our tradition to include in the first words of the book is its main content, they are like the key to the whole book . It is just like a human head contains all his aspirations. And the first word of this book immediately orients us to the mighty forces of the divine soul.
So , let's open Tania !
The title page in Hebrew sounds like " Shaar ." The same word can be translated as the " Gate ." Therefore, the first page of the Tanya is often called " The Gateway to Tanya ." The title page gives Alter Rebbe shortest annotation his book . First, it is the name itself : " Likutei Amaru" compilation statements. Author modestly says that the book simply collected sayings of sages . This is certainly true in the Tanya contains many quotations from the Talmud , Midrash , books on Kabbalah . Not only . The whole book is based on the responses that gave Alter Rebbe people who came to him to " ehidut " is the title of a conversation with the Rebbe eye to eye . Those answers that he gave his Chassidim , seeks to look into his own soul , to understand himself and his destiny. The book is not just great predecessors quoted Alter Rebbe , and it would be wrong to say that it only develop their ideas and approaches to understanding the Torah. Tania book is the disclosure of inside , the innermost parts of the Torah . Therefore Rebbe and compared it to the Pentateuch Moses .
Further written on the title page:
( "Collection of statements " ) Part One " Sefer shel Beynon " ( "The Book of how to avoid evil and closer to righteousness " ) This book contains excerpts from holy books and statements of teachers endowed with the highest holiness , whose souls rest in paradise. Epigraph for her verse is " For the word of [ G-d ] close to your soul , it is to your mouth , in your heart, and turns it [ because of you ]" [ Deuteronomy 30:40 ] . The book aims to explain in simple terms what you need to do in order to receive His word in your soul . In it are two ways to this : long and short - and both man helps Almighty , blessed be He .
Here is a short written comment to :
This book contains excerpts from holy books and statements of teachers endowed with the highest holiness , whose souls rest in paradise.
Speaking about the passages of the holy books , the author is primarily meant works of the great Maimonides , as well as books on philosophy and Kabbalah , written by famous Magaralem from Prague ( the same that created the Golem ) and still work Isheyagu Rabbi Hurwitz , combines and Kabbalah and the Midrash , and the laws and moral precepts .
But under the words of the author 's statements Tanya teachers must keep in mind Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (or as it is often called the Besht ) , disciple and successor Beshta Franz Kafka and Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, his older fellow students , the head of the Hasidim in Belarus. Rabbi Menachem year V1777 Slow made aliyah to Eretz Ysrael and Alter Rebbe headed instead Hasidic Belarus.
Author Tanya writes:
Epigraph for her verse is " For the word [ G-d ] is very close to your soul , it is to your mouth , in your heart, and turns it [ because of you ]" [ a quote from the fifth book of the Torah Deuteronomy 30:14 ] .
Words of the Torah , given Alter Rebbe , are a continuation of utterance TV CAR of the commandment , " which I command you today ." About what commandments we talking about? Many commentators believe that we have in mind the commandment " teshuvah ," return to the Creator .
Until Alter Rebbe believed that this commandment applies to those Jews who do not study Torah and do not live according to its laws. Alter Rebbe spoke publicly for the first time , with the explanation that this commandment applies to rabbis and Torah sages no less .
After returning to Creator means closer to the source, and it is a lot of work for people as simple and to the great sages of the Torah.
If we proceed from the fact that "the Word of the Lord is close to your soul " is the entire Torah , it means that the Torah close to each of us and the most right and natural for us just the fulfillment of these commandments , rather than evading them. And Alter Rebbe shows in the Tanya , that is exactly what is the case .
At first glance, this situation seems more than questionable . What does that word of Creator close to the heart ? Because it is often a craving for pleasures of this world feels a much more powerful than the fear of Heaven and the desire to keep the commandments . Yes, and the Rambam once said: " How can not be a one-pot fire and water , so can not be a believer in the heart of love and fear toward TV rtsu together with a desire for the pleasures of this world ." And we zhivemto in the material world , and the whole body feel its demands and temptations. How did the Torah says that the words of Creator close to the heart and soul , moreover very close !
The book aims to explain in simple terms what needs to be done in order to accept the word of Creator in our soul. In it are two ways to this : long and short on both man and helps Almighty , blessed be He .
Therefore, the author continues, that the purpose of the book we can explain it . How can a soul , not leaving this world to become closer to their Creator .
Alter Rebbe in Tanya shows that this can be achieved in two ways. Long way is to study the inner parts of the Torah and reflections about the Almighty , that He created this world and runs it as greatness of the Creator manifested in various areas of our world and other worlds . This spiritual practice , repeating every day , gradually changes a person's thinking , opens the doors to the recesses of the soul . Its result is love and awe , born mind.
Short way - this simple and sincere observance of the commandments of the Torah. In this increasingly awakens latent love for the Creator , who lives in the heart of every Jew , regardless of his employment and education. This love is so strong that it can awaken the spirit of self-sacrifice for the Jew the Torah and its commandments.
And we need to go both ways at once. Short way seems closer . But in fact it is not. Love that awakens at going over it short. In this way there is no depth adjustment of the individual. All its qualities remain the same. And so the short-term ups alternate with dips .
A long way , oddly enough , is shorter . And Tania shows us the work that needs to be done to get away from the temptations of this world to the feeling of love for Tvrtsu in his heart.
And then writes Alter Rebbe , " and on both ways man helps Almighty , blessed be He ." Indeed , the study of the Tanya helps us to find his true "I" in his heart to hear the word of Creator . So, just need to learn Tanya .
spiritual practice , repeating every day , gradually changing the thinking man, opens the door to the secret recesses of the soul. Its result is love and awe , born mind.
Short way - this simple and sincere observance of the commandments of the Torah. In this increasingly awakens latent love for the Creator , who lives in the heart of every Jew , regardless of his employment and education. This love is so strong that it can awaken the spirit of self-sacrifice for the Jew the Torah and its commandments.
And we need to go both ways at once. Short way seems closer . But in fact it is not. Love that awakens at going over it short. In this way there is no depth adjustment of the individual. All its qualities remain the same. And so the short-term ups alternate with dips .
A long way , oddly enough , is shorter . And Tania shows us the work that needs to be done to get away from the temptations of this world to the feeling of love for Creator in his heart.
And then writes Alter Rebbe , " and on both ways man helps Almighty , blessed be He ." Indeed , the study of the Tanya helps us to find his true "I" in his heart to hear the word of Creator . So, just need to learn Tanya .