Wonderful Canadian writer Mordecai Richler (1931 - 2001) - no less wonderful essayist .
Topics essays collected in this book are very different, but whatever she was told Richler : its post-war childhood, gangsters , the movers and shakers of the film industry and business, pastime of the middle class in America, everywhere he looks for, as they say the critics , the answer to Jewish question , which asks itself every generation .
Read essay Richler , which is adjacent to the lyricism of sarcasm conviction with compassion , always fascinating .
In Russia M. Richler known translated into Russian and published books : " Who is your enemy ", "Street ", " Rider Street Saint Urban ", " Barney's Version ."
Like after Batman and JE Ghent I discovered
themselves novel " On the Western Front "
Translation O. Kachanova .................... 7
Translation O. Kachanova ..................... 19
St. Urban Street : Then and Now
Translation L. Bespalova ................... 30
My father's life
Translation L. Bespalova .................. 46
Germany 1978
Translation L. Bespalova ..................... 65
The Holocaust and the Holocaust
Translation L. Bespalova ..................... 77
Mr. Sam
Translation O. Kachanova ...................... 96
Translation O. Kachanova ..................... 125
Translation L. Bespalova ..................... 133
Translation O. Kachanova .................... 139
Translation O. Kachanova ...................... 149
Translation O. Kachanova ...................... 159
Translation O. Kachanova .................. 170
Translation L. Bespalova ..................... 186
This year in Jerusalem
Translation L. Bespalova .................... 210
Notes .................................