The book " Sticky dvekut to God and the Jewish meditative ..." - " Remembering the eagle , carrying their children on the wings " is dedicated to several large themes. The first - a description and justification of the meditative as a phenomenon of the human psyche as well - and as a method of spiritual practice - based on the text of the Torah. The author shows the randomness of the use of meditation in different traditions and schools , and it is essential that it is bringing " Biblical material," the Torah makes the need for , or at least the desirability of meditative , obvious.
The second part deals with some aspects of thinking - namely the " semantic " way of thinking and its practical application.
The third section - this is the consideration that Lee is like the essence of subjectivity , in other words , we are talking about the process of studying the human "I" . Who is " I" ? It is essential that all this is happening in the "field" of Judaism , and without the involvement of special complicated , terminology or of any other device.
The fourth section , in my opinion , is , in a sense , the principal in this book , because it is dedicated to the review and some of the practical approaches to what is called Dvekut - prileplennost to Gd . We consider what this means in the Jewish tradition , and how to start it . It is worthwhile to note here that although all of the book, maybe with the exception of 5, devoted not only to the "theory ", but also very practical matters (ie methods) , all the same , with respect to Dvekut , because of the importance of the topic, the latter is especially important and, unfortunately , not very well known . So, it is a theory and some practical methods and approaches that can lead to Dvekut .
The fifth section the author calls " Etudes ." This kind of reflection and commentary on certain sections of the Torah. You should not judge them too harshly , but the author hopes that they will be without interest , not only for beginners, but also more " sophisticated " in the study of the Torah to people. In any case, if someone is a beginner - making perhaps the first steps in the Torah reader, reading these "Studies " will love the Torah more, the author will consider his mission accomplished .
At the end of the book as an appendix is a small work of the author of " Apprentice gatekeeper " devoted to the methods by which there is a chance to experience the Divine Presence , as well as the existence of souls and develop their love and commitment to God . Because it can help and be necessary to perform the exercises given in parts 1-4 , the author decided to place the " gatekeeper Apprentice " as an appendix to this book.
Of course, all presented in the book methods and approaches are only a small part of the possible range of approaches and methods that exist or are , in principle, could exist .
On the other hand, it should be noted that many of the discussed below is applicable not only to meditate and search Dvekut , but also to the development of love and other necessary senses ( and attitude ) to Gd , as well as to what belongs to prayer.
And , finally, in conclusion, I want to draw your attention in advance of the fact that the book uses various methods and writing , indicating the Gd and His names and epithets to him , blessed related . For several reasons, it seemed important to leave in the text of these different spelling - for example, in the same chapter or section in one place can be written Hashem , Hashem and in another , or in some places written about him by a hyphen with a break in the spelling of the word ( as here in summary above) and in the other - without a hyphen and rupture , etc. God forgive me , I hope for that the Almighty , and the reader , I hope, will not be judged severely. If I knew how to do and write better, I would have. In this connection I wish to once again draw attention to the fact that since the book uses names of Gd and refers to him , it should be treated very respectfully .
- Introduction and Executive Summary
Part 1. About Meditation in general, as well as the Jewish Meditation
- Introduction
- The concepts associated with meditative
- Kavanagh ( and netolko )
- "The first nemeditativnost " or " To talk of Chava and the snake "
- And the first sin
- More on connectedness with meditation
- pitbonenut
- pitbodedut
- Suah , Siah
- PASE padaat
Power - issue
Some preliminary results
Part 2: On the meaning ( semantic content )
- On the semantic content
- Examples of exercises on the awareness of the semantic content of thoughts, ideas , etc.
Part 3: The subjectivity of the "I"
- If the "I" is not an object
( Methods I )
- Subject and freedom
- Continuing the theme of " Subject"
The search for God within the subject
- The subject (subjectivity ), and an appeal to the
God "outside " of the subject
- Exercises for the development of his "I " -
the key to a happy and fulfilling life
- Some of the methods of working with
- Spirituality and subjectivity
Part 4 About Dvekut - cleaving to God
- Introduction
- About terminology
- Something useful and important - instead of another small entry
- Who and who clings
- Emotional dvekut
- " Smart " dvekut
- Methods and some possible approaches that could lead to dvekut
- Here are two "new" method dvekut
- One more time , and the sense of dvekut
- Some of the techniques that can take and cause of Dvekut (one of schemes )
- A) Description of one of the " meaningless " techniques to try to achieve or Dvekut
constant depth of prayer
-B) to the removal of himself and forgetting about yourself
- Some of the " idea" of practical dvekut
- Again, the methods :
The method of approach to Dvekut based on the practice of breath
The method for achieving dvekut (short description)
On ripple ( and including a pulse )
Dvekut a subject ( subjectivity)
- From a letter to N
- Dvekut and body ( flesh Dvekut )
- Dvekut response "reverse wave"
- "Quick Prayer"
- The method of " long "
- Another method of approach
- It is necessary to pay attention
- Note to Part 4
Part 5 of the Torah dedicated to the " Etudes"
-Go to Deuteronomy 32:7
- One more thing about the first sin
- Cain did not give the land force
- About Dinosaurs
- To Bereshit 2:7
-K Bereshit 2:19
- To chapter Hoax
- The theme of animals and Hoax, flood
- By Genesis 12:14,15 ( Leha lakh )
- Lot separated from Abraham
On - Ch. Genesis 19 ( Weyer )
- As for the Bereshit 19:6-8
- And in connection with the history of Lot
- Comparison of the line Hoax - Abraham - Moses on the " level" of charity
- "You must not - for an abomination ... "
- To lakh Leha 15:2,3 ( Ber. 15:2,3 )
- By Hoax 8:3 ( 8:3 Br )
- To lakh Leha 12:1 ( Ber. 12:1)
- The breach 12:5-6 ( Leha lakh )
- An example of one of the possible symbolic levels of review text stories with Noah .
- Pay attention and you should consider
STUDENT the pylorus
A brief introduction to the practice of spiritual training
Judaism and Kabbalah meditation
Chapter 1: On Sincerity
Chapter 2: Methods based on the concept of cover-ups of Gd
Chapter 3 Methods based on the concept of the Sefirot
Chapter 4: The concept of the processes eststvennyh
Chapter 5: Some methods based on the work of the physical body
Chapter 6 The group of exercises with the pulse beat
Chapter 7 Methods based on the breath
Chapter 8 Description of some methods based on the work with a sense of fear
Chapter 9 On the love of Gd
Chapter 10: Using the impact of singing and music. dance
Chapter 11: Introduction, placed in the middle. Chapter 12 Some methods based on the idea of working with
Chapter 13: On the realization of themselves