Questions of death, mourning and days of memory in tradition of Judaism
Content Introduction From the moment of death until burial The initial concern for the dead Dressing Autopsy Embalming Coffin Flowers Period funeral Between death and burial Review of the remains - a new American tradition The night before the funeral Funeral and Burial Funeral Doxology (Eulogy) Accompanying the deceased to the cemetery Interment Cremation Mausoleums and tombs of concrete Burial members of the body Inhumation Burial A plot of land in the cemetery and the grave The tearing of the grave Reburial The ritual reburial Rules of conduct in the cemetery Memorial gifts Keepeth the mourning of Shiva and Shlosha Example observance of mourning Observant mourning In what relatives should observe mourning? Shiva: its origins When Shiva begins Duration of Shiva and Shlosha Saturdays at Shiva and Shlosha Mourning over the festive period Fundamental rules Where observed mourning? Upon returning from the cemetery Zaveshivanie mirrors in the house, where human Shiva Additional preparation for the observance of mourning Prayers in the house, where human mourning Changes in prayer Leaving the house at the time of Shiva Observance of Mourning Shiva Lesson job or business When allowed to work? Wearing shoes Greetings and gifts Personal care and personal hygiene Laundry and new clothes Marital Relationship Torah study Comforting the bereaved Psychological symptoms of grief Closing of Shiva Compliance Shlosha Observance of mourning during Puri and Chanukah A twelve-month mourning Compliance with the order of Mourning History of Kaddish Function Kaddish Meaning of Kaddish How to read the Kaddish Duty to comply with mourning read Kaddish Can I transfer to another duty read the Kaddish? For Whom read Kaddish When Kaddish read during the service How to stand when reading the Kaddish When observing mourning may attend synagogue Activities during the period of mourning Social and business meetings Religious celebrations Remarriages Yizkor - remembrance of the late The anniversary of the death (Yortsayt) APPENDIX The call to the Torah and read Gaftary Phylacteries (Tefillin)