The booklet you are holding in your hands is small; although, its format is not commensurate with its essence.
Much endeavour, thought and knowledge have been invested in its content and artistic presentation, to transfer the warmth of the Hebrew letter to the reader, both young and old, and bring him to an understanding of the deeper meaning of the sacred letters of the Alef-Beth based on our Torah and the vast spiritual treasury of our ancestors. This beautifully designed booklet aims at making easier the effort required to learn our sacred language and its twenty-two letters. At the same time we wanted to show that the letters of our Alef-Beth are not just dull instruments, raw material for word composition, but living souls bearing the lofty spirit of Creation, and conveying deep ideas and meanings.
This booklet is another link in the chain of publications dedicated to our Russian-speaking brethren who had no possibility of acquiring Jewish knowledge, of learning the sacred language of our ancestors or of evaluating their own spiritual heritage written in this language. This language has always been the vital source of our nation^ existence, and a living witness of its being a sacred nation, a nation which received the Torah from Sinai and bequeathed it to successive generations.
Blessed are Max Zherebchevsky, Israel Maler and Shmuel Wolfman who cherished the idea of this publication and took an active part in arranging and processing the material, drawings and graphic presentation. With best regards "GE-ULIM" The Committee for the Social and Spiritual Absorption of the Russian Immigrants
Rabbi A.H. Sher, Chairman Rabbi A.M.Rose, Director