The book in fron of you- is the resultof observationson myselfandmyloved ones, thinking abouta situation wherewe are today,about the status ofour people.Itis not writtenin order toprovideour fellowchildrenof other nations,nottodiscussthe validity ofthe allegations ofJewisholigarchs andrevolutionaries.It is alsonot designed tobreakstereotypes.All of theaboverequiresthickacademic publications,certainlynot bringingmuch benefitasthose whoneed them, theydo not read.
I am glad thatthere were thosewho are interested inmythoughtsenough topass themin Russian.In the end, there is alwaysa great temptation toread thepersonal diaryof another person.I offerthem mysincere thanks andwish you successin all theirendeavors.