Outside of Dialogue - a Precipice

Outside of Dialogue - a Precipice

Toward a Meaningful Life

Toward a Meaningful Life

Maharal. Netzah Isroel

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Rabi Yehuda Livo Leib ben Betzapel - MahaRaL from Prague - in the Jewish world stands absolutely separately from all. Power, depth and improbable understanding on original originality of the granted revelation of the Creator surround with its aura of selected and light of a belonging...

Book Netzah Isroel (Eternity of Israel), written more 400 years ago, in 1599, represents a part of amazingly universal explanation and the analysis of history, a place and the importance of Jewish people, since the moment of its origin in Egypt and till last centuries of Galut.

Netzah Isroel investigates sources of Galut, in recurrence of its display during centuries of our existence, and sources of Geula in a retrospective show of that has already happened. Also contains attempt to answer the common question - what is it all (Destruction, Galut and Geula) meant? Whether is it a part of our mission?

In the researches and explanations MahaRaL constantly uses laws of Lashon hàKodesh. To do not increase volume of this book and to do not confuse one to another, behind necessary details and explanations we send the reader to the book " Brief grammar of Supreme language". In appendices to each part there are necessary detailed explanatories of the basic concepts used in the text. In appendices with language explanatories four aspects contain a part or all: #1 - Ethymology of language (basically it is constructed on explanations of rava Shimshona hirsha); #2 - the Two-letter root structure; #3 - Synonyms-antonyms (basically it is constructed on explanations of Malbim's books); #4 - the Elementary structures, allowing to restore a word meaning, proceeding from values of letters, their components.

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Weight 0.900000
Height (CM) 25
Length (CM) 18.5
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