The Fifth Book ofthe Code ofMaimonidesMishneh Torah(the sixthiscomingunder the "Libraryof Jewish texts")is calledthe KDU-sha, meaning "holiness."It comprisesthree sections: theLaw on Prohibition ofsexual relations,lawsallowed and forbiddenfoods andthe lawsof ritualslaughter oflivestock and poultry (shechita).The essenceof holiness, according toJewish tradition,isin office.Gdcommandedthe Jewsto keepthe holiness: "Andthe LORD spake untoMoses,Speakto the communityof the children ofIsrael, andsay unto them, Ye shall beholy: forI the Lordyour God" (Leviticus19:2).The sagesof the Talmudcomments on this verse: "AsI am holy,andyouare holy,asI amseparatedandyou are separated." 1The people of Israelin their questto become likethe Most Highshall be separated fromother nations.Describing thestructure of yourcode,the Rambamwrites: "It[the book" Holiness"]I will includethe Act on Prohibitionof sexualrelationsand the lawsofforbidden foods, asthese twodifferences - theprohibited typesof marriages andprohibited typesof food -sanctified usand stand out fromthe Creatorother nations.Both arecharacterizedby Scriptureprohibitionsas follows: "AndIwill highlightyou from the nations..."(Leviticus20:26);"...Who singledyouout from the people"(Vayikra,2o:24>>2.
Duties imposed onthe people of Israel,isfillingholiness-the Divine Presence-profanematerial world.Jews mustspiritualizematter,raise itto a higher levelof existence.First of all,this is expressedin overcominghis own passionsandevilinclinations.In everyday life,a Jewmust limitthe two mostbasic instincts-sexual passionanddesire forfood andsaturation,not to givethemblindly, butto give meaning, separatingpermissiblefrom the forbidden.The greatmedieval Jewishthinkerp.-AvragimIbn Ezrasaysin his bookYesodMora("Groundspiety"): "A reasonable personshould not wishfor yourselfin this worldis nothingother than whatwould beuseful to himin the next world.Was it not toldabout theban onsomesex:"I am the Lord"?The path toholinesspasses through therejection of them,that man mightpriniknutto the Lord. "3Thus, the lawsset forthin the book"Holiness"teacha manto disciplineand restraintandteachhimconstantlystriveto achieve theholiness andpurity.
Observing theprohibitionsimposedby the Torah,not only thepeoplerises toa higher spiritual level("becomeholy"), but alsohelps toelevatethe wholematerial world.Eatingplantsand animalsaccording to the lawsofpermittedandforbidden foods,peopleallow themto fulfilltheir missionin this worldand thussanctify them.But since theTorah prohibitscausingneedless sufferingliving beings(Zaarbaaleyhaim)lawsof ritualslaughterof livestock and poultryare directed, in particular,andthento bringtormentto slaughter animalsto a minimum.Incompliance withthese lawsalsomanifeststhe human desireto be likethe Most High:andashe, the person mustshow mercy.
Translation ofbooksKedusha("holiness")onRussianlanguage is based onthe publication ofthe MishnahTorahp.ShabtaiFrankel.The texthighlighted a number ofinconsistencieswithversionsbased onYemenitemanuscriptsedition, edited byp.YosefCAPAJ.The numbering ofthe paragraphswithinchaptersare in conformity withthe publicationedited byp.S.Frankel;numberingeditionp.J.CAPAJlistedin a special tableat the endof the book.Translationsof poemsTanakharepublishing"MossadHa-Rav Kook," editedD.Yosifona, exceptwhere the contextotherwise requiresunderstandingRambamverse.The commentsare someTalmudicsources usedMaimonidesandRashinotes thereto,as well as explanationsKesefMishnahLechemMishnaand other "squires"halachicsolutionsRaavada,Ramban,ShulhanAruch, Rama, the MishnahBerurahand others.The publicationis providedbibliographic reviewandglossary.It should benoted that thisislike the previousvolumesof this editiondoes not containa full setof references tocontemporaryhalachicestablishmentandin any casecan notserve as a sourceof practicalHalachaadoptedtoday.