For the first time in Russian novels out of Agnon - a great writer, Nobel laureate - who are devoted to one of the greatest acts of Jewish mystics, the founder of Hasidism, Baal Shem Tov (Beshta). Agnon has repeatedly talked about his special love for Besht. But it drew no historical Besht - Rabbi Yisrael ben Eliezer (ca. 1700 - 1760), studying the life and activities which are engaged in academic researchers and Hasidic folk hero - a mystic and miracle worker, one of the greatest spiritual teachers of Jewish history, most of his life the erased boundary between physical reality and spiritual experience. The fate of "Tales of the Baal Shem Tov," has developed dramatically. Prepared for publication the book was burned along with the house of the writer. Subsequently, Agnon partially regained his record, but they were published many years after his death. Creativity distinguish subtle nuances of Agnon in the transfer of ever-changing life circumstances of the characters, their passions, and poetic digressions and caustic satire. From his youth Agnon had a great interest in Hasidic tales, including their highest literary achievement. The writer always viewed his literary work as a religious service, and turning to the readers, how else distant from religion, felt primarily Hasidic storyteller.
Weight | 0.440000 |
Publisher | Knijniki |
ISBN | 978-5-9953-0107-3 |
Author | Agnon, Shmuel Yosef |
Height (CM) | 17 |
Length (CM) | 12 |