IX volume isa part of multi-volumeedition of "Talmud" continues tothe second stageof the project:the publication ofthe fullRussiantranslation ofthe BabylonianGemara.The GemaralatercreatedseveraltannaitskogocoreTalmud(Mishnah,ToseftaandMidrashhalahichenskie) contained in thefirstsevenvolumes of the seriesand is a majorpart ofthe volumeof the BabylonianTalmud.In theIX-th volumefor the first timein Russianpublishedthe first halfof the treatiseShabbat- the largestin the Talmud.A large numberof notes andcommentshelps the reader tofeel the atmosphereof the Jewish"Talmudiccivilization"and better understand thetechnique ofmidrashanda kind of "Talmudiclogic" of the text