East and bazaar are inseparable and interdependent. Hand mirror welfare of the East.
Diversity and abundance of agricultural products, food products, various sweets, spices, medicinal potions, crafts, costumes, all this gives a unique flavor bazaars. East markets spectacular, they are visited by scholars, critics, businessmen and tourists.
The great botanist, Academician NV Vavilov in his numerous expeditions have to visit bazaars carefully examined the products of crops, take away their seeds for the collection of the gene pool, breeding and selection work.
Bazaars cities of the Ferghana Valley, familiar to me from childhood, always aroused curiosity, a sense of mystery. Of greatest interest are stalls with medicines and herbs. Species diversity of medical facilities offered by the "all diseases", the wonderful aroma of oriental spices, against Zion-Tabib (healers), worked magically.
As a youth, I was interested in the origin and properties of drugs and spices, but the only question received an answer inquiries. Indeed, many of the drugs and spices are foreign (exotic) origin entering the markets of different, sometimes complex ways. Tabib right. If I have a disease, you have to ask for help, I will pick up fee, will explain how to prepare and take. Why ask the name, origin, etc.?
The curtain of secrecy is lifted gradually, and are mature botany, Sc.D., healer, Herbalist was under strength "untie the knot", satisfy their curiosity and to share knowledge with the general reader.
But not only curiosity helped write a book about the exotic spices and drugs bazaar. Surprised resistant, age-old worship of the aboriginal population of drug ancestors.
Thus, despite adequate medical care, the presence of
medical organizations electronic diagnostic equipment and
abundance of pharmaceuticals, people still use the services of Tabib.
Drugs and spices, presented in the book, it's tropical and
subtropical origin of goods sold in the bazaars Tash
Kent, Andijan, Namangan, Kokand, Ferghana, Dushanbe, Khujand,
Osha, Samarkand, Bukhara, Turtkul, Urgench and other cities of Central Asia.
The book offers tips and accounted Tabib.
Another reason for writing a book that sold in the spice bazapax tropics and subtropics are considered classics. None culinary product reaches the recognition without using them. This star anise, vanilla, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, myrobalan, muskatnik and many others. Can be competitive in the world market only canned fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, which are made with sufficient use of classical and pryanovkusovyh pryanoaromaticheskih substances.
The book features medicines and spices markets of Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.
Emigrated from Uzbekistan in the U.S., I was pleasantly surprised by the huge variety in vegetable and branded Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Iranian and Afghan drug stores and spices. Unfortunately, the enormous potential they are rarely used by most of the population. The main reason I think the lack of awareness in exceptional health properties of spices and drugs bazaar.
The publication of this book, I hope, to some extent fill the gap. However, it is clear that the material presented in the book does not fully satisfy the reader. Drugs and spices, tropical and subtropical much. The work on this book goes on constantly. I hope in the near future to publish a second, revised and expanded the book, perhaps in English. It will take into account the comments and suggestions of readers.
Many drugs and spices, tropical and subtropical relatively expensive. In this regard, consider topical provide rezulgaty my many years of research on possibilities of their introduction into the culture.
In the first chapter of the book I want to introduce the reader to the concept of disease in the East, the physician to the patient, appropriate drugs and food kind of personality. For modern civilization, including scientific medicine, stepped far forward, achieved considerable success. However, medicine has lost the most important thing is to turn out for centuries the relationship between patient and physician, natural complexes of biologically active substances of medicinal plants and minerals. They do not know that they do not teach. Diagnosis trusted computer. Treatment of highly potent synthetic drugs that are sometimes not accepted by the body, give a negative response, causing the drug disease.
In the first chapter we consider subdivision of drugs on their main therapeutic effects, the concept of dose and compatibility. Since quite wrong to think those who see medicinal plant gathering, tinctures and infusions harmless, do not account for the relation between them and the dose use.
In the second chapter provides an insight into the story to make enrichment of Oriental medicine and spices. For this vspommim ancient centers of civilization, and their medical systems.
The oldest written monument of the East, followers of Zoroastrianism is the Avesta. Consider the continuity of philosophy and medicine worshipers zoroastristov Arab remessansom. For the key mysteries of oriental medicine and cooking, medicinal species diversity, and pryanoaromaticheskogo pryanovkusovogo plant materials and minerals modern bazaar goes back to ancient times: the migration of peoples, zoroasgrizm, Judaism, Islam, caravan relationship nashestkiya troops Cyrus, Alexander the Great, the Arabs , Mongols, in joining Central Asia to Russia. Focusing on the rapid introduction razvigii sciences (transfer) of plants from different floristic regions of the world in the botanical gardens, the study of the chemistry and mineral properties in the Soviet period.
But the main purpose of the book, introducing the reader to drugs and spices bazaar, considered in the third chapter. They are presented here in two unequal parts by volume: types of greenhouses representatives tropics, species of open ground representatives of subtropical and temperate latitudes.
But the third part of the combined therapeutic minerals. The plants are arranged in order of the alphabet. This language is an international, scientific. Next, Russian, English, Uzbek (Turkic) and Tajik (Farsi) names of plants and materials. After listing the names, a description of the data about the plant are represented by the following headings: the origin and spread, botanical characteristics, biological features, advice on cultivation, characterization and processing of raw materials, used in medicine, food and other purposes.
Names of plants in the Uzbek and Tajik languages were taken from the book "Pharmacognosy in medicine" ("Kitab assaydana Fittibb") Abu Rayhan Biruni (1), also from the "Canon of Medicine" Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (2,3). For information on the current local names received from Tabib and sellers of drugs and spices to bazapax used the "Russian-Latino-Uzbek dictionary of medicinal plants" (Ruschalatinchauzbekcha dorivor usimliklar lugoti) HH Khalmatova and AI Kasimov (4). The English names of plants found in the "Botanical Dictionary" NN Davydov (5)
For convenience, at the end of the book are placed:
• List of drugs and minerals in their main therapeutic (treatment) properties;
• List of nature (midzhoz) medicines and spices.
The book concludes with a list of references. Readers who wish to deepen their knowledge about drugs, spices and minerals will find they have a lot of useful. The paper presents also kindly sent to the author, unique illustrations professional photographers Raphael Kaykova and Vladimir Pinsky, amateur Ruhidamhon Askar-kizi Akbarova.
In conclusion, I express sincere gratitude to the Director of the Centre of Oriental Medicine, Academic Mukhitdin Umarov, who gave a review and a supplement to my work, his disciple, Ph.D. Timur Umarov and David Ochildievu, Orientalist, Honored Worker of Science of Uzbekistan, doctor of historical sciences, professor and Tabib Rashodu Kulmuhamedovu for the good wishes and valuable advice in the preparation of the book.
I thank my wife Margaret Arievnu for moral and sons Edward and David for the material and moral assistance and support during the writing of this book and its publication.